Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My favourite hobby is drawing. I also like to play with my dolls but I draw and paint more than I play with dolls. I like to draw dolls , scenery and many more. My sister also likes to paint with me sometimes. I like to draw because it is fun. Many people like to draw. The best part of the drawing is painting. I also like to read and also write too but I like drawing more. I like to draw but some times I want to read , play out side and play with my dolls. I really like to draw and my brother also likes to draw he helps me in drawing. He likes it when he helps me . Some times I like to draw designs of my own and every one likes them. I like drawing more than any other hobby even more than reading and playing that's why it is my favourite hobby. And it is really fun to draw. My sister likes reading more then drawing and she likes to read books every time but i like to draw more than reading. I have put the colouring book t my blog because I like painting and colouring. I like fast colours.

Monday, July 20, 2009


One day the old man was going to his bed to go to sleep when he heard somebody talking out side his bed room window. The words he heard was “MURDER HIM!” The old man turned off his lights so nobody could see in side the house. He sat by the window and looked out side of it and saw two men who were wearing long black coats and black hats. The old man could not see their faces and it was also raining. He saw that one man gave a box to the other man and the box was all black and red. Then the man opened the box and took out his knife and was coming to wards the old man door. People in the city use to call the old man Jack The man with the knife was coming to wards Jack’s door. Jack ran to his cupboard and was hiding in side it. The man with the coat was in side the house and was telling the other person that “he is in side the house and he is hiding some where.” Jack was scared and then he heard some one saying that “let’s look in side the cupboard.” Then a man opened the door of the cupboard and there were so many people in his house and they all said to him ”SURPRISE HAPPY 65TH BIRTHDAY!”

He was very happy and embarrassed that he forgot his own birthday. But he was not sad about it because no one knew that he forgot his own birthday. His friends told him that they planed his party and he told his friends that it was the best party he ever had. Every one in the city came to his house. Jack asked his friends that “ what was the knife in the box for?” His friend said, “It was for cutting the cake.” The next day when Jack went to work there was no one in the office he went to his room where he uses to work with his friend Charlie. He went to his boss’s room and it was locked he broke the door and went in and saw his boss hiding under his desk. His boss’s name was Ben he was very nice to Jack. Jack use to call him Ben. Jack went under his desk and said, “Why are you hiding Ben? Ben said “Jack did you see them?” Jack said “See who!” Ben said “Ten people came in our building and took all our money and expensive things! I locked my office and all our employ ran out of the building!” Then jack went out of the room. He heard Ben laughing. Jack went in the room and said " Why are you laughing." Ben said "Sorry." Jack said  "About what?"Ben said " We were giving you a surprise ." Jack said " Oh! thank you guys." Later every one had a party and they were happy. Jack said " Why did you give me that kind of surprise?" Ben said "We know that you care about every one so we did a joke in which you think people die and you get worried." Jack said "OK." And every body had a nice time. 

Saturday, July 18, 2009


There are many different types of cakes in the world. Mostly cakes are eaten on birthdays. They are made in different shapes colours and sizes. Some also have dolls in them. Every one loves cake my favorite cake is a chocolate cake. There are also cakes like dolls in side them i also use to have those types of cakes they are my favorite type of cakes. They are in different shapes and sizes.Some have barbie and bratz in them and some also have Disney princess in side them they are very beautiful. Some cakes are just round and they have things made on them. cakes are delicious and every one likes them.


There are many dolls in the world like barbie,bratz and myscence and many more. They are all around the world. Girls from all around the world play with them. They are famous in every  city of the world. There are many differences in them like myscence and barbie dolls have long height and bratz have short height but they all are pretty and we have fun when we play with them. Doll are made in every country. Every girl in the world has doll and they like them. Doll were also made in the past from wood and stone. Then they were made from plastic. Then they were made like this. So children always liked doll. They were loved by children and will be. Girl all around the world like dolls because they attract them and they tell their parents to buy them that doll. Doll come in different sizes and different hair colours. Some people like to collect dolls and they like it.

Friday, July 17, 2009



One-day sally was going to the park and sat on the bench. She heard a strange noise from under the bench. She looked under it and found a hat. She took it home. She took a look in side it and found a little white and cute rabbit. It was also talking and it said “I am Tim and I am a magical rabbit I will make your every wish come true but you don’t have to tell any one it has to be a secret!”  Sally said, “Ok I will keep this secret.” The next day Sally took her magic hat to her school so no one could know about it. The teacher said “Children we have a science test tomorrow so every one has to revise it.” When Sally came home she said, “I wish I had a video game!” The rabbit said “Ok” then in front of sally there was a video game in front of her. She started to play on it the rabbit said “Don’t you have to revise your test.” Sally didn’t say any thing. The next day sally got very bad marks on her test and her classmate Ann got the best marks in her class. Sally was very jealous of her. When Sally came home she made a wish that “I wish I got the best marks and Ann got the most bad marks in the class. The next day Ann was crying because of her bad mark. Sally was sorry so she went home and made a wish that “I wish I didn’t make that wish!” Then every thing was back to normal and Sally said, “ I will never make that wish again!” Then sally was never bad to any one and use to study all the time and was a very good student more then Ann and was very happy.


One day when Jane was playing with her doll she said. "I wish I had a doll who was real!." The next day she could not find her favorite doll she was sad and she stared to cry then she heard a voice that was saying "Don't cry Jane. "She saw that her doll was talking then her doll said " you have to keep this as a secret or i will not be real again." Jane said "Ok." She never told it to any one until her little brother found out about it. She said to her brother "Don't tell it to any one".  He said" Ok” And then the doll was her best friend and no one ever knew about it and she was very happy.


One night after dinner Ann was in her room. She was looking at the beautiful star when she saw a big shooting star. She made a wish that she was rich because if she was rich she could go to a school like the other children. She was eight years old and she wanted her parents could be happy. Then she said, “I wish I was rich". The next day she woke up in the morning and saw that she was living in a palace. She was so happy that her wish came true. She went in her living room and she had to go to school she was very exited. When she came to school she was the richest girl in her class. She loved school and her studies. When she was ten years old she was the best student in her class. 

One day she saw a beautiful pencil box. She liked it so much that she could not control herself. She stole it.  The girl whose pencil box she had stolen was so sad. Ann was also not felling well but she went home. From that day Ann got poor and then she gave back her pencil box and Ann got rich again and she never stole any thing again and every one was very happy.