Friday, July 17, 2009


One night after dinner Ann was in her room. She was looking at the beautiful star when she saw a big shooting star. She made a wish that she was rich because if she was rich she could go to a school like the other children. She was eight years old and she wanted her parents could be happy. Then she said, “I wish I was rich". The next day she woke up in the morning and saw that she was living in a palace. She was so happy that her wish came true. She went in her living room and she had to go to school she was very exited. When she came to school she was the richest girl in her class. She loved school and her studies. When she was ten years old she was the best student in her class. 

One day she saw a beautiful pencil box. She liked it so much that she could not control herself. She stole it.  The girl whose pencil box she had stolen was so sad. Ann was also not felling well but she went home. From that day Ann got poor and then she gave back her pencil box and Ann got rich again and she never stole any thing again and every one was very happy.    

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