Friday, July 17, 2009


One-day sally was going to the park and sat on the bench. She heard a strange noise from under the bench. She looked under it and found a hat. She took it home. She took a look in side it and found a little white and cute rabbit. It was also talking and it said “I am Tim and I am a magical rabbit I will make your every wish come true but you don’t have to tell any one it has to be a secret!”  Sally said, “Ok I will keep this secret.” The next day Sally took her magic hat to her school so no one could know about it. The teacher said “Children we have a science test tomorrow so every one has to revise it.” When Sally came home she said, “I wish I had a video game!” The rabbit said “Ok” then in front of sally there was a video game in front of her. She started to play on it the rabbit said “Don’t you have to revise your test.” Sally didn’t say any thing. The next day sally got very bad marks on her test and her classmate Ann got the best marks in her class. Sally was very jealous of her. When Sally came home she made a wish that “I wish I got the best marks and Ann got the most bad marks in the class. The next day Ann was crying because of her bad mark. Sally was sorry so she went home and made a wish that “I wish I didn’t make that wish!” Then every thing was back to normal and Sally said, “ I will never make that wish again!” Then sally was never bad to any one and use to study all the time and was a very good student more then Ann and was very happy.

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